Postcards are 4 by 6 inch paintings and I've been
making them for quite a while now. I send them to friends, family,
people or organizations I like, mailart shows and postcard exchanges.
I love getting personal mail so I just blithely assume everyone
else does too. I'm confident enough in my work that whoever receives
a card will be pleasantly amused and possibly surprised. If nothing
else, I amuse the post office workers and posties who deliver
the mail - way to go, guys and gals!!
These are the second installment of postcards sent
hither and yon. Not that I have any kind of rep as an artist
but I can truthfully say my work resides in collections internationally
- even if it's international dustbins! The titles are generic
- like my ATCs, I'm not that meticulous in my record keeping.
The first section of cards is